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四冲程 25-30马力

Mercury 25 和 30hp FourStroke 舷外机让您轻松完成大冒险。结构紧凑、速度快。性能可靠、经久耐用。高效运行且易于拥有。FourStroke 舷外机为小型船只带来强大的功能。

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Take a deeper dive into what makes Mercury FourStroke outboards stand apart with detailed information on each engine and the features that make them unique.

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When you make the best marine products in the world, you want the best dealers behind them. That’s why we ensure that Mercury dealers are the best equipped to sell and service our products. Your Mercury Authorized Dealer is the place to see and purchase Mercury engines as well as genuine Mercury Precision Parts® and accessories. And with thousands of dealers, you can rest assured we’re always close by and ready to help you Go Boldly®.

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