Mercury Marine raises nearly $11,000 during its annual Fill the Boat to Cast Out Hunger food drive

FOND DU LAC, Wis. – Mercury Marine employees in Fond du Lac donated nearly 4,000 food items and close to $11,000 as part of its annual “Fill the Boat to Cast Out Hunger” food drive. The event, now in its 7th year, raises money and food for the Fondy Food Pantry.
In addition, 100 meals were donated to the Solution Center, a homeless shelter in Fond du Lac.
Over a week-long period, Mercury employees bring in non-perishable food items and cash donations used to provide food assistance to thousands of individuals and families in the Fond du Lac area. The Fondy Food Pantry has been a fixture in the community for close to 45 years.
“Our employees look forward to this event every year and it continues to grow which is fantastic,” said Andres Gonzalez, Mercury Marine vice president of human resources. “I’m proud of everyone who took time to donate to the cause whether it was food, money or the hundreds of employees who donate their time to help. As stewards of the community, it is up to Mercury to hold events like these and do our part to help those in the areas in which we live and work.”
In addition to the donations, Mercury hosted a food drive cookout on its campus where employees cooked brats, hamburgers and grilled chicken and sold tickets with the proceeds going back to the Fondy Food Pantry. The pantry supports families through food boxes in addition to providing school children with weekend meals as part of its “Food For Thought” program.
Back by popular demand is the 2nd Annual Mercury Boat and Motors Show which allowed employees to showcase one of their many passions. Close to 50 cars were on display and entry fees for the show, which came in at close to $800, are donated to the Fondy Food Pantry.
“We often hear from employees that they are driven to volunteer for this event because they have been a recipient of the Fondy Food Pantry's services in the past,” said Gonzalez. “We encourage any employees that need assistance to reach out to Fondy Food Pantry and participate in their programs.”